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Pedigree Angus Bulls For Sale
Golden Heifers
Blue bull
Land for lease wanted
Fresh calved Dexter cow
Cow & calf
Coloured heifer calves
We buy all types of culls
Super AI Bred Red Roan BB Heifer Calf
Super Blue Heifer Calves
Suck calf’s 🐄
Charolais Bulls
⭐️ 2 Show Quality BB Heifer Calves ⭐️
Super CH Heifer Calves
5 star PBR Limousin bull
Quality hereford bullocks
Limousin Charolais springers
❌coloured Hefiers ❌
⭐️Red Roan Belgian Blue Heifer Calf ⭐️
Angus bulls
15 Yearling Angus Heifers @ Lissava
8 super continental bull runners
Belgian blue bull
Pedigree Limousin Bull
50 heifer calves
3 super strong red Angus heifers
Pedigree hereford bulls
Friesian Bull and Hereford calves
Nationwide Bord Bia Audit Paperwork Service
Beef Heifers
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