Mulligan Heifer Farm Ltd
- Independent Dealer
No 1 supplier of Heifers Nationwide.
- 22 hours
- Crossmolina, Co. Mayo
Over 150 Heifers always in Stock. Nationwide delivery. Charolais and Limousin Heifers. 250-450kgs All U and R plus Grade. Carefully Handpicked and assembled. Based in Co Mayo the heart of the west. All top quality continental suckler bred stock Fully Vaccinated and Dosed on arrival here. Care and welfare of stock is paramount. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram at MulliganHeiferFarm see the quality stock and service I supply. Multiple references available Nationwide. Thanks Aiden.

Mulligan Heifer Farm Ltd
- Independent Dealer
Crossmolina, Mayo
DoneDeal.ie is not responsible for the advertised goods. It is illegal to use the contact information for commercial purposes.

Mulligan Heifer Farm Ltd
- Co. Mayo
Tips and Guides
- Safety Guide
- Be informed, read our advice if you get unwanted calls