Patrick Lynch Firewood Ltd
- Verified TraderNo rating yet
Reseeding direct drilling stitching 🌱🌱
- 18 days
- Mallow, Co. Cork
‼️ Attention Farmers ‼️ THE CHEAPEST method of reseeding with high germination rates with better root establishment compared to conventional reseeding methods. It’s already that time of year when we need to start planning reseeding and the Moore Unidrill is the most cost effective method with many savings. - [ ] 1st saving, the Moore Unidrill can sow straight into an existing or burnt of field without the need to plough or till before hand. - [ ] 2nd saving is FERTILISER, seed is placed into the top layer of soil, which is most fertile soil and often buried with other methods. Leading to higher producing crops and fertiliser savings. - [ ] 3rd saving, no down time/fast turn around through rejuvination. Grass/clover can be sown without interupting grazing rotation. - [ ] 4th saving, less post emergence weed pressure due to minimal soil disturbance. - [ ] 5th saving, flexibility around managing first grazings as soil is still firm allowing for flexibility at marginal/wetter times. Wide range of crops covered, grass, clover, multi species, cover crops. Repairs and seeds damage poached ground in one pass Will set clover multi species Can drill into existing grass or burned off ground Dont hesitate to get in touch for any quieries or information - PLEASE RING THE NUMBER - 087 2929222 - do not text or message as it takes too long to answer. 210r , slurry , Grass , silage , grazing , fertiliser , newholland , jcb , cows , milk , Reseeding , Direct drilling , stitching , grass , cows , silage , drill , clover , milk , johndeere , JohnDeere , Unidrill , 6210r , Straw , square bales , round bales , grain , feed , ration , barley , John Deere , New Holland , Newholland , Case , Claas , Fendt , grass seeds , reseed , grass growth , Lime , Milk replacer , hoof trimming , Bull , Mart , Cattle , Slurry
Patrick Lynch Firewood Ltd
- Verified Trader
- Kanturk, Cork
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Patrick Lynch Firewood Ltd
- Verified Trader
- Co. Cork
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