- Co. Dublin
- Private Seller
Bugaboo Bufallo Full set AMAIZING CONDITION
- 13 hours
- Dublin 18, Co. Dublin
Bugaboo Buffalo travel system. Very good, spotless condition. All terrain wheels are perfect for bumpy paths. The buggy is very solid and steady. Carrycot is very comfortable. Using the carry handle, it’s so easy to unclick and transfer the bassinet into the house without disturbing the baby, and its frame sits comfortably and securely on the floor. The well-padded seat is big and spacious with a five point harness and height adjustable shoulder straps that are really easy to fasten together, loosen or tighten.You can handily reverse the seat, so your child is either looking and communicating with you or looking around at the world. Buffalo have a massive underseat basket – much bigger than most pushchairs - that is incredibly easy to access and can hold up to 10kgs, but it is also the first pushchair to be certified to hold up to 6kg on the handlebars. It has four big wheels - two front 10" swivel wheels and two 12” rear wheels – that are foam filled and puncture free.
- Dublin 18, Dublin
- Private Seller
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- Co. Dublin
- Private Seller
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