Eoghan Parle
- Private SellerNo rating yet
Uppababy Vista travel system (inc bag for flying)
- 9 hours
- Greystones, Co. Wicklow
Buggy with basinet (up to 9 months) and seat (6months to 4 years). They can be used separately or at the same time with an attatchment. Travel bag for flying also included (handy as can be taken for no extra cost and not weighed so you can put your heavy stuff in it when travelling). Also works with BeSafe iZi Go baby seat (we also have this with an isofix for the car). We loved this buggy, it has a big container underneath for carrying things like shopping or beach stuff and has big wheels so is easy to move around.
Eoghan Parle
- Private Seller
- Greystones, Wicklow
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10 years
on DoneDeal
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Eoghan Parle
- Private Seller
- Co. Wicklow
Phone & Payment card verified
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10 years
on DoneDeal
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