Starline Motors
- Independent Dealer
2005 Landrover Discovery 3 TDV6 very clean
- 440 days
- Co. Dublin
- Greenlight
380,000 km
2.7 L Diesel
CRW Expiry
Jul 2024
Total Owners
Greenlight: Verified
- Vehicle History Information
Seller has provided their logbook details.
Vehicle details match those on our records.
Our records have confirmed that this vehicle has not been written-off in Ireland.
Our records confirm that this vehicle is not an import.
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2005 landrover Discovery 3 commercial ⚙️ LONG DOE 7/24 & TAXED 12/23⚙️ 📍 VERY CLEAN JEEP THROUGHOUT📍 ✅️ IRISH JEEP FROM NEW ✅️ FULLY MOTOR CHECKED ✔️ ✅️ SERVICE HISTORY ✅️ 6 SPEED MANUAL ✅️ AIR SUSPENSION (WORKING PERFECT) ✅️ CRUISE CONTROL ✅️ AIR CON ✅️ CD PLAYER/AUX PORT ✅️ TOW BAR ✅️ 17 INCH ALLOYS ✅️ ALL EXCELLENT TYRES ✅️ BODY VERY CLEAN excellent driving Jeep. Got everything it ever needed. Smooth road holder, you would take the jeep for half the mileage. Belt recently done. NO KNOCKS NO OIL LEAKS. a good genuine discovery. MY PRICE IS FIRM @ €4995 PLEASE NO TIME WASTERS - TRADE IN WELCOME 📞 CIARAN ON 0852258335 (ANYTIME) 📍BASED JUST OFF THE NAAS RD D22 📍 📍 VIEWING BY APPOINTMENT 📍 bmw x5/range rover sport/range rover/q7
All information is provided by third parties and DoneDeal are not in a position to offer any warranty or guarantee in relation to the content.
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Starline Motors
- Independent Dealer
Dublin 12, Dublin
DoneDeal.ie is not responsible for the advertised goods. It is illegal to use the contact information for commercial purposes.

Starline Motors
- Co. Dublin
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