Farm and Dairy Spares
- Independent Dealer
Dairymac superthaw semen thawing unit
- 283 days
- Co. Kildare
Dairymac Superthaw with AI Gun Warmer Lid for sale at www.farmanddairyspares.ie or call 0598641507. Features of the Supoerthaw: -Adjustable digital temperature 20-45°C (99% accuracy) which can be set at correct temperature for normal and sexed semen -Built in countdown timer with buzzer – one button operation -Gun warmer chamber – keep thawed straws and guns at a stable temperature -Large removable straw basket -Watertight lid with pressure relief valve -Fully insulated flask to help retain heat -Latest low energy use rated electronics -Supplied with 120-220vdc & 12vdc power supplies Full range includes: - Wet wear clothing for the milking parlour. - Milking machine rubber such as milk, wash and air tubing. - Silicone tubing. - Milking machine liners to make all makes of parlours. - GMB Clusters and claw bowls. - Teat spray units and accessories. - Wash down hosing and nozzles. - Milk filter socks. - Dump Buckets and lids. - Teat wipes and teat balm. - And much more. Visit www.farmanddairyspres.ie or Call 059 8641507.

Farm and Dairy Spares
- Independent Dealer
Athy Co. Kildare R14 RF43, Kildare
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Farm and Dairy Spares
- Co. Kildare
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