Clippers Ireland
- Independent Dealer
Portable Milkers with 2 year warranty
- 2 days
- Carrignavar, Co. Cork
Description 021 487 4441 Sezer Portable Milking Machine - Single cluster for Cows This portable milker is perfect for all farm conditions, especially colostrum collection. Using a portable milking machine for colostrum collection is growing in popularity on farms across Ireland to ensure efficiency during busy calving periods. Using the bucket milker post calving, it is more gentle and does not cause injury to the teats/udder Its simplistic design not only makes it user friendly but also very easy to maintain, as well as being small and easy to move through sheds and cubicles. It will save you a lot of time milking sick animals and for faster and easier milking post calving, ensuring calves get this all the essential nutrients as soon as possible.
Clippers Ireland
- Independent Dealer
- Est 2012
Carrignavar, Cork
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Clippers Ireland
- Co. Cork
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