Losset store Ltd
- Verified Private Seller
Wet gear, calf rearing,gloves, hook gun dosing .
- 38 days
- Cornafean, Co. Cavan
Read add fully Dpd next day delivery with all purchases Wide range of wet gear from farm trak Pull ups Rain jackets Parlour jackets All sizes in stock Wide range of Weilles Bekina €60 Dunlop €60 Farm trak €47.50 Stocking all agri health range Agri Mint 500 ml €14 Agri mint 1000ml. €25 Nano gel hot. €17 Dairy Mint 500g. €14 Farm pro clippers super clippers in stock 2 batteries charger complete kik €280 Alios gas dehorner €180 Hyperox disinfectant €52 Liquid paraffin €7 Iodine spray bottle €14 Prima hook gun. €100 Wide range of milkflo teat feeders all sizes available peach teats Rat and mouse bait available storm and others there starting €33 Call losset stores Ltd for full prices and information 0494337237 Open Monday-Friday 9-5.30 Saturday. 9- 2.00
Losset store Ltd
- Verified Private Seller
- Killeshandra, Cavan
15 years
on DoneDeal
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Losset store Ltd
- Verified Private Seller
- Co. Cavan
Email, Phone & Payment card verified
15 years
on DoneDeal
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