Man basket tractor
Low L Shape Feed Barrier Trough
Fogarty Concrete Cattle Slats
Slurry Channel
Bedded/slatted shed wanted also grazing ground
Job lot of Feeding Barriers and Gate
20ft Shipping Container
Large store
Large Selection Of Strut Available
Slurry Channel 90 Deg Corner Piece
**Sheds erected +concrete/Digging***
Site Office 9ft x 12ft
20ft x 9ft Site Office
Choice of 10 40ft Shipping Containers
Sheep Barriers
C2020 Container Storage Shelter
Choice of 2 Toilet Blocks Solar Powered
Farm Storage Containers
20x40ft Container Canopy
Container Office with Generator
2300L Universal Water Tanks
Large Selection of 10x8 Containers
4 M High A Shape Bunker Walls
4 Meter high Bunker silage A Walls .
10 ft A shape silage bunker wall
Shuttering,tanks,sheds,concrete,milking parlous
Heavy duty cover aprox 14m x 3.1
Sheds, Rsj ,Steel. Foot Bridge , Business .