Dairy Direct
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Feeder Dairy, Beef & Sheep
- 15 hours
- Kilmanagh, Co. Kilkenny
The Advantage Feeders 3-way restriction system is the most precise ration control available today. They have been specifically designed to prevent stock manipulation. In a restricted setting, stock requires saliva on their tongue to lick the feed. After a short time, the saliva dries up and the feed can no longer be eaten, hence, controlling their feed intake. Stock will return up to 2 hrs later when the saliva levels return to normal ensuring a little and often feed intake throughout the herd. Supplement feeding your sheep calves or cattle using our 3-way restriction system can help you eliminate acidosis, maintain a constant rumen pH, regulate bossy stock and encourage shy stock to all eat their fair share. There is no waste, regardless of what you fill your cattle and sheep feeders with, be it meal, pellets or a home-grown mix. Rest assured, what goes in is going to be consumed by your stock. Advantage Feeders have multiple adjustment setting options. These includes Ad-lib Feeding, Controlled Feeding and Creep Feeding. Creep Panels come standard with all sheep sized feeders and Creep Gates can be added to achieve optimal calf creep feeding success. The design of the Creep Panel can be set to allow both ewes and lambs to use the grain feeder at the same time from different sides of the feeder. With the Advantage Feeding system feeding becomes easy, cuts out daily labour and stock are stronger achieve optimum growth rates. Feeder sizes from 1 to 4 Tonne storage capacity with mobile options available. All models are double-sided, and the feed channel can be adjusted to restrict intake. Each feeder is made with stainless-steel parts, making them built to last and keeps the feed dry. Nationwide delivery. Flexible Finance options available. Call 1800 817 462 for information on the Advantage Feeder.
Dairy Direct
- Verified Trader
- Kilmanagh, Kilkenny
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Dairy Direct
- Verified Trader
- Co. Kilkenny
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