Condon Machinery
- Co. Cork
- Trader
Spread-A-Bale Straw Spreader
- 36 days
- Bandon, Co. Cork
Spread-A-Bale Machines are the perfect answer for farmers looking to cut the time and cost of animal bedding Reducing straw usage unlike most competitor machines Spred-A - Bale doesn’t chop/shred straw ,spreads it entire as a result a Longer lasting more every bed which needs less frequent topping up and can drastically reduce straw usage Dust free spreading it doesn’t chop the straw Spread-A Bale makes minimal dust which which avoids injury and discomfort to the animals Minimal manual labour the machine is unique in being self loading.Thanks to the floor conveyor which draws the square bales into the chamber out of the stack or off the floor.Round bales can be easily rolled into the chamber 2 Models Maxi 8x4x4 Midi 8x4x3 Mini round bales Website Tel John 087 2399735 No Text Straw chopper
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Condon Machinery
- Co. Cork
- Trader
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