DoneDeal Farming
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  • Co. Westmeath
  • Verified Trader
Chemical Fertilisers ? Time for the facts !! - Image 1
Chemical Fertilisers ? Time for the facts !! - Image 2
Chemical Fertilisers ? Time for the facts !! - Image 3
Chemical Fertilisers ? Time for the facts !! - Image 4

Chemical Fertilisers ? Time for the facts !!

  • 15 days
  • Tyrrellspass, Co. Westmeath


Taking a moment to reflect on this question is crucial for the future of farming and the health of our soil. As farmers, we can choose between continuing the damaging cycle of chemical fertilizers or embracing a more sustainable approach that prioritizes soil health. Imagine the legacy you want to leave for future generations of farmers. Would you rather be remembered as someone contributing to soil degradation through chemical reliance or as a forward-thinking land steward prioritising soil health and sustainability? The choice is clear. Let's be the generation of farmers who positively impact the land and are remembered for nurturing and improving the soil rather than depleting and damaging it. Let's pave the way for future farmers to inherit fertile, thriving soil that sustains them for generations. Overuse of chemical fertilizers harms our soil and environment. It lowers agricultural soil quality and decreases the amount of organic matter in the soil. In return, it makes the soil hard and less fertile, has less root biomass, and these chemicals can harm the air and water. Dependence on chemical fertilizers disrupts the natural balance of soil microbes, alters the soil's acidity, and attracts more pests. It even forms a hard crust on the surface, making the soil less conducive for plant growth. In the long run, this hurts the diversity of life in the soil and makes it harder for plants to thrive. It's time to rethink our approach to fertilizing and consider more sustainable options like Better Plants liquid fertilizers. Let's work together for healthier soil and a cleaner environment! 🌱💧

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  • Mullingar, Westmeath
  • Verified Trader
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  • Co. Westmeath
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