Sarah O Brien
- Private SellerNo rating yet
Maths grinds
- 64 days
- Mallow, Co. Cork
Very limited availability remaining- contact me for additional details 😊 Hi, I’m Sarah. I am currently studying Financial Maths and Actuarial Science in UCC. I have been teaching grinds for 3 years. I received an H1 in leaving cert maths and I have received good reviews from past students who improved their results as well as many saying they felt less stressed and had a greater understanding of topics. I am providing 1 on 1 lessons to target the specific needs of the student and work on improving their understanding of the material to ensure students feel confident facing unseen questions. Please text/ring anytime if you have any questions! 0851087572 Group discounts available if you come with friends!
Sarah O Brien
- Private Seller
- Mallow, Cork
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Sarah O Brien
- Private Seller
- Co. Cork
Email & Phone verified
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3 years
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