Kuhn Center Ireland
- Independent Dealer

KUHN BTFR & HR with TF 1512 Front Hopper
- 21 hours
- Co. Cork
Vehicle Overview
The BTF and BTFR seeding bars, with a working width of 3 to 6 m, ensure a constant seeding depth and fast adaptation to working conditions. Coupled with a KUHN power harrow and the TF 1512 front hopper, they form a well-balanced and efficient combination with high autonomy. Specification: - 4 -6m working width - BTF model rigid - BTFR model folding - SEEDFLEX seeding units - Suffolk coulters (BTFR 1010) - Single disc coulters (BTFR 1020) - VISTAFLOW valves. - Balanced load distribution Please contact sales for more information - 0214543344
Kuhn Center Ireland
- Independent Dealer
Cork, Cork
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