Ruairi Devine
- Verified Private SellerNo rating yet
16.1h 7 year old ISH
- 3 days
- Buncrana, Co. Donegal
WhatsApp for video +447446594349 Emma Welcome Emma a 16.1h 7 year old ISH mare. Emma is out of Dr No Equinox X Diamant De Similly who jumped Grand Prix Internationally! Emma is a very quality looking mare. She’s straight forward and a real all rounder. She rides in a snaffle, has up hill gaits and is forward thinking. Emma has been cross country, been to the beach, has schooled show jumping away from home and takes everything on willingly! I believe Emma would suit as a quality all rounder/ working hunter/ rising club type! She has a recent clean 5 stage vetting. High 4 figures, based Buncrana Co Donegal!
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Ruairi Devine
- Verified Private Seller
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Ruairi Devine
- Verified Private Seller
- Co. Donegal
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