James kavanagh
- Co. Laois
- Private Seller
Filly for sale
- 1 day
- PortLaoise, Co. Laois
Good filly for sale 7 to 8 months old Bought her in ballinasloe with the intention of breaking her Lose of land forced to sell Her mother is 14hh and father is 15hh Grand looking filly dark eyes nothing done with her put head collar on her few days ago quite harmless filly peared her huffs few days ago wont kick and wormed yesterday Would be good filly for saddle for hunts etc WasTold that her mother done abit off jumping. Contact james no timewasters thanks for viewing ad
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James kavanagh
- PortLaoise, Laois
- Private Seller
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PortLaoise, Laois
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James kavanagh
- Co. Laois
- Private Seller
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