- Verified Private SellerNo rating yet
- 18 hours
- Castlebar, Co. Mayo
WINTER Dipping shower is only 1 euro 50 cents a sheep ,including the dip Easy on the man, easy on the sheep, no stress to either.And not one sheep ever drowned. Plunge Dipper 1 euro 50 cents and the farmer provides the dip DIPPING NOW in Mayo, Galway, Sligo, Roscommon, & Leitrim and we will travel for large numbers. . Several external parasites such as MAGGOTS, KEDS, TICKS & LICE are all kept under control by dipping. A sound standard of flock hygiene cannot be maintained without dipping and without this practice sheep will not thrive. Ewes going to the Ram will benefit by being dipped beforehand. Store lambs will fatten quicker if they are not bothered by parasites. Dipping eliminates this problem. POUR ON'S ARE EXPENSIVE AND DO NOT KILL MAGGOTS A charge of 85 euro per visit, this covers from 1 to 55 sheep after 55 sheep a charge of 1.50 euro per sheep up to 100 sheep . 100 sheep will costs 150 euros Dip which is mixed fresh on each farm and the small amount that is left after dipping is let out of the sump so each farm has clean fresh dip. Sheep have a full 3 minutes in the shower, Our new pump sends 600lts of dip per minute on to the sheep so they are totally saturated Sheep are soaked from the top as well as from the bottom through high pressure jets making sure they completely covered soaked in dip The advantages of a sheep shower are:- 1. No labour is required. 2. There is not a great lot waste dip to dispose of. 3. You and your workers are not exposed to the dip. 4. A lot less stress is put on the sheep. 5. The sheep do not have to be transported back to the farm to be dip. 6. Sheep are totally saturated unlike a spray race. 7. We dip 7 days a week if required. If you would like to discuss it more fully please call David on 0871209985
- Verified Private Seller
- Castlebar, Mayo
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- Verified Private Seller
- Co. Mayo
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