Brian Roche
- Verified Private SellerNo rating yet
Multi purpose,tipping trailer,bale/dump trailer
- 3 days
- Portumna, Co. Galway
Vehicle Overview
New Roche multi purpose tipping trailers 14x8 + 5ft bale ext 16x8 + 3 ft bale ext 18x8+ 5 ft bale ext 20x8+4 ft bale ext 8 stud lowloader axels on 14 ft tipper (40 km) 10 stud commercial axels air/hydraulic brakes on all other trailers .(50km) Heavy duty high grade 200x100x10 box chassis Hardox floors and sides Hydraulic fould flat back door Galvanised carts and racks Ce certifed Choice of colours 560 45 22.5 bkt wheels 560 60 22..5 Calls only thanks.
Brian Roche
- Verified Private Seller
- Portumna, Galway
No rating yet
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13 years
on DoneDeal
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Brian Roche
- Verified Private Seller
- Co. Galway
Email, Phone & Payment card verified
No rating yet
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13 years
on DoneDeal
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