Blaney Agri / Quad-X
- Independent Dealer
SPECIAL PACKAGE DEALS at BALMORAL SHOW 10th-13th May 2023 Nationwide delivery available Quad-X based in Co Antrim design and manufacture over 100 ATV attachments including this first class dump trailer. Available in 750L and 1000L capacity models Now with galvanised chassis. Choose between hydraulic, manual or electric lift for an easy tip in 30 seconds. Automatic tail gate closing/opening Double bogie wheels with knobby tyres Ideal for many jobs around the farm, sportsground, golf course and for landscapers. Ideal for towing behind an ATV, UTV or 4x4. Video shows a bespoke galvanised finish. For more info call Quad-X from ROI on 048 2587 2800 or from NI 028 2587 2800

Blaney Agri / Quad-X
- Independent Dealer
- Est 1993
Ahoghill, Ballymena, Antrim
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Blaney Agri / Quad-X
- Co. Antrim
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