Pattersons Truck Sales
- Verified TraderNo rating yet
Wilcox 17ft6" Alloy Treble Dropside tipper body
- 6 days
- Dungannon, Co. Tyrone
Greenlight: Not Verified
- This seller has not provided documentation to verify this vehicle. For peace of mind we recommend you perform a full history check.
This vehicle has a recognised UK/NI registration plate. However, we cannot currently verify ownership of this vehicle in the UK.
Vehicle Overview
18 months old 17ft 6" alloy treble dropside tipping body. Hardly used immaculate condition. Genuine reason for sale, good saving on new price which was £25000+vat, available now without any wait. £12750+vat Please call 07802930093
Pattersons Truck Sales
- Verified Trader
- Dungannon, Tyrone
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12 years
on DoneDeal
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Pattersons Truck Sales
- Verified Trader
- Co. Tyrone
Email, Phone & Payment card verified
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12 years
on DoneDeal
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