Damien McDonnell
- Verified Private SellerNo rating yet

Car Detailing - Dry Ice Cleaning Service & Sales
- 12 hours
- Midleton, Co. Cork
Vehicle Overview
Dry Ice Cleaning Service, Machine Sales & Machine Rental ******NOTE: CURRENTLY WE CANNOT CLEAN UNDERBODIES OF CARS******* NO WATER, NO MOISTURE, NO CHEMICALS , NO MESS, JUST DRY ICE (solid Co2) Dry Ice Cleaning of cars (interior/exterior) , motorbikes, tractor engines & any components. Alternative to Sand/Grit blasting but without the mess and damage. Dry Ice is non abrasive so it will not damage or pit any surface. Its a soft delicate cleaning process. Dry Ice Blasting does not strip paint unless the bond is broken / flaking. Its ideal for removing flaking or chipped paintwork & removing rust, removing tar etc Dry Ice Cleaning will also clean electrical wiring etc without any damage (once the integrity of the component is good) NOTE: CURRENTLY WE CANNOT CLEAN UNDERBODIES OF CARS Dry Ice will easily clean the following - Engine Bays - Transmission - Gauges - Alternator - Oil cap - Valve covers - Heater controls - Tail light assemblies - Axels - AC compressor - Emblems - Carburettor - Instrument panel - Interior consoles - Wheels - Electrical assemblies - Hydraulic hoses - Suspensions Guide Pricing Car Engine Bay Cleaning - €300 + VAT Car Engine removed from car €350 + VAT Gearbox - €150 + VAT Car detailing - Interior only € 500 + VAT Machine sale - starting price €7000 + VAT for Intelblast NANO (air only machine) Machine Rental (starting price €1600 + VAT, refundable deposit of €1500 required) Term & Conditions apply for Machine Rental Option Based in Midleton Co,Cork www.polaricetech.ie
Damien McDonnell
- Verified Private Seller
- Midleton, Cork
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Damien McDonnell
- Verified Private Seller
- Co. Cork
Email, Phone & Payment card verified
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