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Fresh calved cow
Suck Calf Collection Service
Slurry Tanker - up to 60% grants accepted
Slatted shed with cubicles
4 M High A Shape Bunker Walls
Wall Panel 1 Meter High
Concrete Wall Panels
10 Ft High L ShapeBunker Silage Walls
Mini Slurry Channels
Cattle Footbath
Rainwater Harvesting Tank 1800 Gallon
Rainwater Harvesting Tank 850 Gallon
10 ft A shape Silage Bunker walls
Indoor Drinking Trough
Cubicle Bed / Base - 6ft 6 In to 8ft
L Shape Feed Trough Barrier Feeder
Thin 4 inch wide Prestressed Wall Panels
Wall Panel 1.2 Meter High
Cubicle Beds / bases - 6ft 6 in to 8ft Long
Slurry Channel 90 deg Corner Piece
Low L shape Feed Barrier Trough
Unique T Joint for Slurry Channels
4 Meter High Bunker Silage A Walls
Butt / Stubb Walls
J Shaped Feeding Barriers For Weanling Calves
Slurry Channel
Cubicle Base End Wall
Water Trough
J Shape Feed Trough Barrier Feeder
Parlour Pit Matting
Dairy culls & surplus stock - WANTED
Showing 1 - 30 of 689