Pedigree Aberdeen Angus bulls and heifers
80 R+W WOI in-calf heifers Markethill Thurs 23/1/2
Pedigree Aberdeen Angus bulls and heifers
PED Charlolais bull
Suffolk x ewe lambs
Incalf heifers and cows
Buck Goat
80 R+W WOI in-calf heifers Markethill Thurs 23/1/2
Sheep equipment
Heifers + calves for Markethill 23/1/25
Calf Hurdles, Calving Pens, Cattle Pens - Suckler
Coloured bulling heifers
🌟super outfit🌟
Charly calves
Angus Bull
Ewes and lambs
Milking parlour
Kuhn Kuhn pigs
Sheep turnover crate
9 Limousine Heifers
Hydraulic cage mobile sheep dipper
Mobile sheep dipper
Foster ewe
Part time milker required ballygawley area
Pedigree Herefords
Charlie calf
Angus bull
Inlamb reg Dutch spotted hoggets
Highland heifer weanling
Showing 1 - 30 of 90